Monday, February 6, 2017

Motivation Monday: What Makes You, You?

It's officially Christmas here. 
Okay, so, not the magical kind of Christmas with lights & Mr.Claus - but you get it, it's cold! (Like: "my-family-is-currently-wrapped-up-in-our-matching-Christmas-jammies" cold!) I shouldn't be so surprised - and yet I am! I was just sort of settling into the bare-foot mode that an island-girl can start looking forward to a month or two after Christmas. (Come April & I'm basically wearing sundresses 24/7.) Oh well, God had another plan for this week - maybe he wanted us to slow down (or just play together in the snow!). I've heard it said that "man makes plans & God laughs". I think there's some truth to that. So, for now, I have busted out my favourite black Hunter boots & am embracing life at the North Pole!

Our week has brightened up so much since last week. Seriously. The power of prayer & God's timing have been just amazing. I've really seen the Lord work in some amazing ways this week and feel more in tune with Him these days. Another reason to be thankful. 

I spent a lot of time being quiet this week. Thinking (over-thinking), processing ( cheap deli meat...). I felt a little like a zombie...just, aimlessly sort of...going through my days. In the midst of one of my "I can't do this, this is way too much" moments last week, my husband (who has been just a champion for our family in managing this diabetes diagnosis this week, as he also has Type 1 Diabetes) suggested that I don't let Diabetes take over my mind. He said: "Deal with it when it needs to be dealt with, and only then. Give the shots, test the blood, feed him, watch him as needed. Be the attentive mother you already were and then go on with being YOU. Paint, sing, make music, write, laugh, watch a thousand episodes of The Office...(you think I'm exaggerating!) but --  just keep being Valerie. Then this thing doesn't win."

You know...sometimes my hubby thinks I don't listen to him (and, admittedly, I don't always show it well) but, baby, you don't know how many times I've come back to those words of yours, this week. 

Those words (and, foremost, the grace of God) have gotten me through this week. I've prayed a lot, read my Bible more, done a little painting, crafting, composing, writing...done a LOT of singing (some things never change) - and just, have been being...Valerie. 

It certainly got me thinking about what I really love, and who I really am. Those things are good to cling to & I'd be interested to know - what do you think makes you, you?

I'm going to go do some of it, right now!

Love from, 

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