Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Gratitude Project: Today :: Day 7

For morning light and sunrise hues
For earth and sky, the greens and blues
For every mercy made brand new
We thank You for this day

For sights and sounds and warming fires
For keeping us from wrong desires
For giving all that we require
Lord, we thank You for this day.
. . .

These are the lyrics to a song by Joy Gardner called "For This Day" - and today, that's exactly what I'm thankful for.

 In this moment, all the school work is finished, my work day has ended and we are in the quiet moments of "in between". Later I will head off to choir and then Bible study with some precious friends and as I sit here, I am so grateful, simply for what today has been. The sweet sounds of my son and my two little nephews playing in my kitchen fill my house, with Christmas music in the background and I am just enjoying...the moment, the family...everything.

So as Joy Gardner so beautifully sang; Lord, we thank You for this day.

Love from,

PS. If you are wondering...where's Day 6? You caught me! Let's just say I am thankful for the time I spent with my family instead of blogging! ;P 

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